Le Kapokier is a French association, which was created in 2012. It works for the preservation and development of natural resources and for rural economic development in Burkina Faso.
In Bérégadougou, where a major sugar plant is located, it works in collaboration with the Association for Sustainable Agriculture in Burkina Faso (AADB) to protect family agriculture and fight against food insecurity
through its agro-ecological pilot farm.

The project Its objectives: Increase the daily intake of protein among children thanks to the cowpea bean, plant tree species which are necessary for the development of therapeutic treatments by the Phytofla laboratory and create a tree nursery in order to increase agricultural yields through agroforestry.   Our engagement We have participated in the planting of 3 hectares of medicinal forest, the protection and recovery of threatened species and the creation of 42 jobs for women.   Since 2018, our commitment totaled 4,500 €.
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