On 25 April 2015, Nepal was the victim of a 7.9-magnitude earthquake. The earthquake was followed by about 50 secondary tremors, including two 6.6 and 6.7 aftershocks. According to the official figures, the tremors affected 8 million people, caused the death of over 5000 people, injured more than 7,000 and rendered thousands homeless.
The death count increases day by day.


The project Karuna Schechen has already been established in Kathmandu for over twenty years through a clinic. Due to their experience and those different natural disaster prevention training programs, the Karuna Schechen teams are ready to act in emergency situations. The medical and professional teams are currently mobilized and relentlessly act to meet the needs in the different parts of the Nepalese capital. The clinic assesses the severity of the victims’ injuries and delivers first aid and food.   Our support In 2015, our commitment totaled 11,000 €.
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