Livelihoods : forests in the service of mankind

Ami Vital

According to the IPCC, in order to limit the risks associated with global warming, an increase of 1.5 degrees in 2030 should not be exceeded.

Since 2010, the Foundation Insolite Bâtisseur Philippe Romero, in partnership with the Livelihoods Carbon Fund, has been involved in large-scale reforestation projects in India, Indonesia, Senegal and Peru.

Each project contributes to the conservation of natural ecosystems by planting trees, thereby helping to improve the quality of life of local populations.

In Senegal, for example, since 2009, the mangrove restoration project has enabled 80 million trees to be planted on 10,000 hectares, the size of the city of Paris.
“Over 20 years, the project will make it possible to sequester around 800,000 tons of carbon, but also to improve the lives of local populations in 450 villages.” explains Bernard Giraud, President and Co-founder of Livelihoods.

It is following the same model that Livelihoods is launching its third carbon fund in 2020 in order to extend its impact. Through missions to restore natural ecosystems, agroforestry and regenerative agriculture, this program will help improve the lives of 2 million additional beneficiaries.


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