Mélanie Salvador Favreau

Created in 2016, the association LIMBO accompanies migrants who have survived the torture camps in Libya and Sinai.

These survivors, who arrive in increasingly greater numbers in Europe, and who are mostly very young people aged 15 to 25,
suffer from severe physical and psychic trauma.

Supported by governmental structures that do not promote social interactions with the host society,
they have difficulties in forging links with the outside world.

Limbo provides these young people with psychological and social support, and organizes collective support periods during the school holidays.



© Olga Kravets

The project Stays in Aveyron are offered to groups of 15 young people who are accommodated by the Order of Prémontré community in Conques. Art therapy workshops lead by psychologists, body expression, initiation to yoga, hiking: these young people discover a secure environment where they learn to share and open up. The association also works to raise public awareness on the situation of migrants who are imprisoned in torture camps and on human trafficking, and speaks out before authorities.  
Our engagement The association’s founder Cécile Allegra co-directed along with Delphine Deloget, the documentary Voyage en barbarie, which documents and denounces the systematic torture of tens of thousands of men and women, mostly Eritreans, who are fleeing dictatorship. Since 2018, our support totaled 30,000 €.  
© Olga Kravets
For more information