100% carbon-neutral in 2020, an objective achieved by the Insolite Bâtisseur Philippe Romero Foundation

Since 2010, the Insolite Bâtisseur Philippe Romero Foundation in close cooperation with Livelihoods Carbon Fund, took part in large-scaled reforestation projects in India, in Indonesia, in Senegal and in Peru. Thanks to this partnership, the Voyageurs du Monde group achieved 100% absorption of greenhouse gas emissions of the trips of its clients and its employees in 2020.

Indeed, greenhouse gas emissions linked to human activities – combustion of oil and gas, intensive agriculture, deforestation – are increasing, with dramatic consequences. Climate change impacts all regions of the Earth: increase in the number of heat waves, heavy rains, floods and droughts; decrease of underground freshwater reserves and stream flow; decrease of access to drinking water leading to massive population displacements.


Reforestation au Siné Saloum, Sénégal

©Stéphanie Cascino, Senegal

Thus, to overcome this problem, the Voyageurs du Monde group has chosen to absorb for each person who traveled with them the amount of greenhouse gaz emissions due to their air trip as well as to the services provided during the trip. The calculation of these emissions is based on data from the  French Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME)

To absorb its carbon footprint, the Insolite Bâtisseur Philippe Romero Foundation, in partnership with Livelihoods, selects long-term and additional projects intended to fight against global warming with a strong local, social and economic impact.

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